Following a successful visit to Germany and the UK in the summer of 2006, Willem Heyneker, a resident of Perth, Western Australia, is set to enjoy international recognition as an artist. For much of his life, Willem worked as a pilot in the UK, Africa and Australia, a career that afforded him the opportunity to survey distinctive landscapes, vegetation and rock formations many thousands of feet below him. The topographical contours of the different regions embedded themselves in his mind over the years, and now inspire his imagination to shape and direct his artistic creations. Other influences include his upbringing in Sri Lanka where gemstones and jewellery were endemic to the culture. His interest in ethnic jewellery from Asia, the Far East, and Africa, particularly the jewellery worn by Zulus, has also contributed to the creativity which is at the root of each quality piece.

Every item of jewellery – he prefers to use the term ‘body sculpture’ – is crafted as a exclusive piece of work which has a history and special meaning in the artist’s mind. To produce two pieces exactly the same does not belong in his repertoire. The very nature of his craftmanship is such that the creative process is subject to the way a metal ‘behaves’. “There are no set limits or boundaries to which way the metal may respond,” he said, adding that “this is what makes each piece so unique.”

Since graduating from Curtin University in 2004, Willem's work has been hailed not only by a growing number of enthusiastic private collectors, but by the cognoscenti both in Australia and now in Europe. His work is being exhibited at various exclusive galleries around Perth, but thanks to his European trip, is having even greater exposure elsewhere in the world. As well as the Upfront Gallery in Cumbria, it is being shown at the Galerie Raum and Kunst in Hamburg. There are also plans to exhibit in Montreal and Mallorca.

International is where he is heading, but where is the market for these artistic creations? Willem is clear in his own head that his work is for all people everywhere, reflecting as it does his love of nature. But he is quite specific about the type of person who will buy his body sculpture. “My work,” he said, “is for people who truly wish to step out of the ordinary and want to own a unique piece of jewellery of high quality workmanship.”

Miles Elwell, U.K.


contemporary jewellery artist